Apakah Anda Sudah Lahir Baru?

by The Grace of Lord Publisher

Books & Reference


About two thousand years ago, there lived a Jewish leader named Nicodemus Israel. He is a prominent, respected, and full of life experiences. On one night, secretly he came to Jesus, the Son of God, in the hope he can learn from Jesus how to gain eternal life. Nicodemus had seen and heard about the miracles performed by Jesus, as the lame walk, lepers were healed, the blind see, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and also a powerful preaching of Jesus. Therefore humbly him to find Jesus. However, Jesus did not leave teaching but he alluded to the need to say, "I say unto you, Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God" (Jn. 3: 3). The meaning of the word "see" in the original language is "understand". Therefore, the real meaning of the verse is: if a person is not born again, he can not understand the things concerning the kingdom of God. Rebirth to talk about the new creation man received a new life, Gods life in addition to physical life he has.